BE CAREFUL WHEN TRAVELLING - China / Bangkok / Malaysia
From my Malaysia friend...better to prevent.Be very careful. The scammers are getting more and more daring!
Subject: Duped by credit card scam upon check in at Hotel
You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. When checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for all the charges for your room). You get to your room and settle in. Someone calls the front desk and asked for (example) Room 620 (which happens to be your room).
Your phone rings in your room. You answer and the person on the other end says the following, 'This is the front desk. When checking in, we came across a problem with your charge card information. Please re-read me your credit card number and verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side of your charge card.
Not thinking anything you might give this person your information, since the call seems to come from the front desk. But actually, it is a scam of someone calling from outside the hotel/front desk. They ask for a randomroom number. Then, ask you for credit card information and address information.Sounding so professional that you do think you are talking to the front desk.
If you ever encounter this problem on your vacation, tell the caller that you will be down at the front desk to clear up any problems. Then, go to the front desk and ask if there was a problem. If there was none, inform the manager of the hotel that someone called to scam you of your credit card information acting like a front desk employee.
If you feel that the tips are useful, please forward it to your relatives, friends & colleague.
Subject: Bangkok International Airport
Folks, be warned and be really careful, check the items you bought and give back what does not belong to you even when the shop assistants claimed it's 'free'. I believe the duty free shop assistants would alsoget a, be very, very careful. Read below
My Dept. secretary informed on this. Her cousin was detained in Bangkok for stealing a box of cigarettes in a duty-free shop in Bangkok International Airport.
He had paid for chocolates and a carton of cigarettes. The cashier put a packet of smokes into his bag and he thought it was a free pack.
He was arrested for shop-lifting and the Thai Police extortion price was RM30, 000 for his release. He spent two nights in jail and paid RM50 for an air-con cell, 200-300 baht for each visitor, and RM11,000 for his final release.
The Police shared the money in front of his eyes. On top of that, he was charged in court and fined RM2,000 by the magistrate and handcuffed and escorted to his plane.
His passport was stamped "Thief". While there, his relatives requested help from the Malaysian Embassy and was told that they are helpless, as Malaysians are victimised similarly daily and letters and phone-calls tothe Thai Authorities are ignored. He shared a cell with a Singaporean the 1st night who paid RM60,000 for his release.The 2nd night was an Indian national who paid USD70,000. Mind you this is not in a shag downtown Bangkok but in a duty free shop in Bangkok 's Int'lAirport.Shared this experience with all your friends.
Subject: Driving to JB
If you get RM 10.00 in your car door handle, use tissue paper or cloth to remove it without opening it and if possible bag it. Drive away immediately.Don't check the note until you are in the company of your friends or relatives.The note could either contain powdered drugs to knock you out or make you wonder if some guilty motorist compensating you for a knock or scratch on your car, while you are still wondering, the robber(s) will attack you as you check the car.
This had happened in Johor. Please circulate to your friends and warn them!.
di zi gui
Tuesday, December 1, 2009


病例﹝十﹞ 腸癌
※ 曾老太廿多年糖尿病,每天一個「羅漢果」煲水飲,經歷四個月後,証明糖尿病已減輕,
※ 某日早起時,忽覺雙雙眼通紅,後用「羅漢果」水每天清洗雙眼七八次,五天後,雙眼恢復原狀,
※ 曾因剪腳甲過度而弄傷腳趾,致發炎,因而往醫院洗傷口,五次均不能埋口,後用「羅漢果」水浸腳, 每天三四次,幾天後便痊癒。
※ 中秋節翌日,大便出血兼有內外痔瘡,用「羅漢果」水清洗後,十三天便康復正常。
※ 曾水瀉非常嚴重,後飲「羅漢果」水數杯後,水瀉立即停止。
※ 手部曾因皮外傷做成之爛肉,後用「羅漢果」水清洗後痊癒。
※ 每日用「羅漢果」水濕搽頭部三次,七天後不但止痕,且令白髲轉黑。
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